Hi I'm

Chris Pysden


Having spent quite a few years in technical preales, working on mostly infrastructure and operations projects, I've finally decided to learn some programming skills. Really looking forward to this bootcamp!

Where I'm From

I'm originally from England, born and raised in Yorkshire, but now live and work in Seattle. Anyone who thinks it rains in Seattle, hasn't lived in England :)

What are your favorite hobbies?

I play the guitar, enjoy spending time on water (sailing/boating/paddleboarding), hiking, and learning

What's your dream job?

These days it would be to do something related to Smart Cities and generallty making cities more livealbe, greener and designed for people, not cars!

Where do you live?

Small town just outside of Seattle, WA

Why do you want to be a web developer?

I've got several goals including transitioning to a new career, helping a friend launch their website, blogging at some point, and finding a way to give back and work with non-profits